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Blue Ridge Mall Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - 1958
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Circa Mid-1960s - *SS
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Children with Easter Bunny - 1970 - *AL
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Children with Santa Claus - Circa 70s - *AL
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Children with Santa Claus - Circa 70s - *AL
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - 1974 - (1958-2004)
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - '70s - (1958-2004)
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Mall Entrance / North Court - 2004 Before Destruction - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Mall Entrance / North Court - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Mall Entrance / South Side - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Mall Entrance / North Side - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Mall Entrance / North Side - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Applebees - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Applebees - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Expo Center - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Expo Center - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - JC Pennys - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - JC Pennys - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Jones Store - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Spencer's / South Side - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - The Family Restaurant
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Underground Parking Entrance - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Underground Parking - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Stairs - 2004 - *MM
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Pre-Demolition
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Montgomery Wards - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall Exterior - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall Exterior - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall Interior - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Looking Towards Jones Store - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Looking Towards Newberry's - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - Looking Towards Cakebox - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - The Jones Store Exterior - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall - The Jones Store Exterior - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall Interior - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall Interior - 2005
Kansas City, MO - Blue Ridge Mall Interior - 2005

*AB Photo Courtesy of Alan Barley
*AL Image Courtesy of Alan Linquist
*BC Image Courtesy of Brenda Clevenger
*BG Scan Courtesy of Bob Garrett
*BH Scan Courtesy of Brian Holland
*BT Photo Courtesy of Bob Travaglione
*BW Photo Coutesy of Bob Winkler
*CW Photo Courtesy of Carrie Watson
*CF Photo Courtesy of Curt Finke
*DB Photo Courtesy of Dave Bales
*ED Photo Courtesy of Elwyn Davis
*GG Scan Courtesy of George Gray
*HL Scan Courtesy of Harry Ledgerwood
*JB Photo Courtesy of Jeff Brown
*JS Photo Courtesy of Joe Shaveyfelt
*KL Photo Courtesy of Karla Lukey
*LD Courtesy of
*LO Photo Courtesy of Lloyd C. Owen, Sr.
*MH Photo Courtesy of Mikki Harper
*MM Photo Courtesy of Mike Miller
*MW - Image Courtesy of Michael Weaver
*NCE - Photographed by Norvin Cecil Ennis/Courtesy of Norvin Dale Ennis
*NS Photo Courtesy of Norman Schwartz/Laurie Corrick
*RB Photo Courtesy of Randy Brown
*RF Photo Courtesy of Rob Forsythe
*RP Photo Courtesy of Rod Padley
*SK Photo Courtesy of Stephen Kroger
*SH Photo Courtesy of Steve Hartwich
*SH2 Photo Courtesy of Steve Hawkins
*SS Photo Courtesy of Scott Sargent
*TP Photo Courtesy of Tom Polley
*UR Photo Courtesy of Uncle Roy
*WDK Photo Courtesy of W. Dave Keith
* Photo Courtesy of Ed Muscari
** Scan Courtesy of
*** Photo Courtesy of Robin Japins
**** Photo Courtesy of Gregg Katz from
*WD Photo Courtesy of Wendi Dunnuck Many Fairyland Park Photos Courtesy of Nate Brancato
Mother Nature Pictures Courtesy of Mary Lou Anderson

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